Executive Leadership and Coaching with Imelda Glackin
Rhythm creates flow whilst momentum drives progress. Five, six, seven and…
“You cannot kindle a fire in any other heart until it is burning within your own.”
Eleanor Doan
When we lose our momentum, the smallest of tasks can seem overwhelming and impossible. We often need the space to be truly open and honest with ourselves to help figure it out.
What’s going on? What happened? What did I make that mean? What’s getting in the way? How do I get back on, or change track?
I am rooted in a desire to be curious. Working with you to explore and understand your goals in creating success. I adapt my approach to suit and fit with your rhythm. Equally, I will challenge and question you in that space too.
Having a safe space to explore who and what you are looking for is powerful and this leads to the real ‘why’ which is what moves and inspires us.
Often what starts out as the goal can change as you become more aware and conscious about what’s really going on, and what’s getting in the way. It could be old patterns of behaviour or deep-rooted beliefs about yourself and others holding you back. Once these surface and are challenged, you can create new beliefs, giving you the freedom and choice to take a reimagined step forward.
I encourage people to keep notes and actions from their sessions and hold themselves accountable.
I believe we all hold the answers when we're asked the right questions. An effective coach doesn’t force a person down a path, they empower them to find their own way. Asking thought-provoking questions inspires critical thinking and exploration.
The most effective questions are rooted in genuine curiosity. They allow conversations to take different directions and go to places where people can experience breakthroughs. This is where the growth and discovery happens.
The smiles of ‘Have I really believed that for this long’ and ‘Yes, it is totally possible’ appear.
My best day is when I am working with people, and they discover their breakthrough moment and truly understand their possibility.
“If you're looking for a compassionate and values driven coach, look no further”
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We’re a dynamic coaching partner that collaborates with you to unlock the blocks, discover the opportunities and commit to the actions needed
to reach your goals.
As a Facilitation Consultant I enable groups of people to work together more effectively by creating and guiding a collaborative process. I can…
Assess and advise the current state of a group or organisation
Identify gaps and areas for improvement, and provide recommendations and feedback on how to achieve desired outcomes.
Provide coaching and training to individuals or groups to understand the challenges or issues that may be getting ion the way and then to find an agreed way of moving forward with additional support or training to enable it to happen.
Provide Management and Strategy workshops. One of the most important pieces of work within any organisation is to have a clear and workable strategy. How this then translates into departmental and individual plans is key to everyone’s success.
I can support organisations to achieve their goals by providing strategic advice and guidance on various aspects of leadership through:
Assessment and Diagnosis
I can an assess the current state of an organisation’s leadership, identify strengths and weaknesses to understand the cause of any challenges or problems that are arising.
Strategy Development and Implementation
Help an organisation to develop and execute a clear and coherent strategy that aligns with its vision, mission, values, and objectives
Leadership Development and Coaching
The power of coaching is transformational for individuals, groups and organisations.
Organisational Change and Transformation
Helping organisation navigate and manage change and transformation initiatives that require effective leadership.